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recipe image Hashbrown Latke Hack

Hashbrown Latke Hack

Hashbrown Latke Hack

  • Prep time5 min
  • 11 min
  • Portions 8
  • DifficultyEasy


  • 24 mini frozen breakfast hash browns, defrosted and stacked into groups of three
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 2 eggs, beaten to brush the latkes
  • ½ cup (125 mL) Country Crock® Original Spread
  • 1 cup (250 mL) sour cream and/or applesauce, for serving
  • Fresh chives, chopped for garnishing, optional


      1. Take three hash brown discs and place them on top of each other. Using the flat bottom of a glass, press down to form the latke. Continue with the remaining hash browns until you have 8 latkes. Season each with salt and pepper. Gently brush the top of each latke with the egg wash. Using a spatula, gently flip the latkes over and egg wash the remaining side.
      2. Add the Country Crock® Original Spread into a large skillet. Heat over medium-high heat. Cook the latke for 2-3 minutes then flip the latke and cook for another 2 minutes, until brown and crispy on both sides. Continue with the remaining latkes.
      3. Place the crispy latkes on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up any excess grease, then transfer to a rack.
      4. Top with applesauce or sour cream and chives and enjoy!
      Tips for using the Air Fryer method:
      1. Preheat air fryer to 400°F (200°C)
      2. Do not crowd the air fryer
      3. Cook for 8 minutes, then flip
      4. Cook for 5 minutes more until golden brown. Enjoy!
      For a savory twist you can add a teaspoon of minced white onion to each group of three hash browns before smooshing.