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recipe image Popcorn Tray Your Way

Popcorn Tray Your Way

Popcorn Tray Your Way

We can't think of a more fun way to serve up snacks than our Popcorn Tray Your Way. With this super easy recipe, popcorn is served in individual muffin cups, each one with it's own unique flavor. We've covered the bases from sweet to savory and you can always add your own favorite mix-ins. Did we mention that this is the perfect recipe for kids to make and eat?!

We can't think of a more fun way to serve up snacks than our Popcorn Tray Your Way. With this super easy recipe, popcorn is served in individual muffin cups, each one with it's own unique flavor. We've covered the bases from sweet to savory and you can always add your own favorite mix-ins. Did we mention that this is the perfect recipe for kids to make and eat?!

  • Prep time10 min
  • Portions 4
  • DifficultyEasy


  • 5 cups freshly popped popcorn
  • 1 -2 tablespoons Country Crock® Original Spread, melted and cooled
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • crushed spicy hot cheese crunchies
  • crushed colourful fruit cereal
  • crushed salted peanuts & pretzels
  • melted white chocolate and sprinkles


      1. Toss the popcorn with melted Country Crock Original Spread and salt. Divide it into 12 lined cups on a muffin tray.
      2. Top each row with a different topping and serve for movie night!