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recipe image Peach Crumble Pie

Peach Crumble Pie

Peach Crumble Pie

Our Peach Crumble Pie is so full of sweet peach flavor that it absolutely tastes like summer. We add just the right amount of sugar to enhance the peaches and then use those peaches to fill our tender plant -based pie crust. To make this pie even better, we add a generous crumb topping so you get deliciousness in every bite.

Our Peach Crumble Pie is so full of sweet peach flavor that it absolutely tastes like summer. We add just the right amount of sugar to enhance the peaches and then use those peaches to fill our tender plant -based pie crust. To make this pie even better, we add a generous crumb topping so you get deliciousness in every bite.

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  • Preparation timePrep time20 min
  • Cooking timeCooking time1 hr 10 min
  • ServingsPortions12
  • DifficultyDifficultyEasy


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup Country Crock® Plant Butter with Avocado Oil Stick
  • 5 to 6 tablespoons ice water
Crumb Topping
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup Country Crock® Plant Butter with Avocado Oil Stick
Peach Filling
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • pinch salt
  • 3 pounds peaches, sliced (about 8 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Nutritional Guidelines (per serving)

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)


  1. Add flour to medium bowl. Cut in Country Crock Plant Butter with pastry blender or two knives until coarse crumbs form. Add ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until dough forms. Gently knead dough with floured hands and shape into disc. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about 30 minutes.
Crumb Topping
  1. Combine flour, brown sugar and cinnamon in medium bowl. Using a pastry cutter or fork, work Country Crock Plant Butter into flour mixture until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Set aside.
Peach Filling
  1. Combine flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt in large bowl. Add peaches and lemon juice; toss until evenly coated.
  1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Preheat baking sheet. Unwrap dough and roll on lightly floured surface from center to edges to form a 12-inch circle. Press into 9-inch pie plate.
  2. Arrange peach mixture in pie crust. Evenly top with crumb mixture, pressing crumbs together to form large crumbs.
  3. Arrange pie on heated baking sheet and bake 10 minutes. Decrease oven to 375°F. Bake 1 hour or until juices are bubbling. Check pie to be sure it's not getting to brown on top. If needed tent with aluminum foil to prevent over-browning. Cool pie on wire rack.
There's no need to peel the peaches for this pie as the skin gets tender during baking and also adds to the beautiful color of the pie. Thawed frozen peaches can be substituted for fresh peaches.

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