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recipe image Taquitos with meaty mushroom filling

Taquitos with meaty mushroom filling

Taquitos with meaty mushroom filling

These plant-based taquitos are filled with savory mushrooms and protein-packed walnuts that are seasoned with cumin, chili powder, garlic, onions, and oregano. The assembled taquitos are brushed generously with Country Crock® Plant Butter and baked in a hot oven. The result is a delicious and crispy taquito. Top the taquitos with shredded lettuce or cabbage, avocado and homemade pickled red onions. Lime crema is optional, but highly recommended.

These plant-based taquitos are filled with savory mushrooms and protein-packed walnuts that are seasoned with cumin, chili powder, garlic, onions, and oregano. The assembled taquitos are brushed generously with Country Crock® Plant Butter and baked in a hot oven. The result is a delicious and crispy taquito. Top the taquitos with shredded lettuce or cabbage, avocado and homemade pickled red onions. Lime crema is optional, but highly recommended.

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  • Preparation timePrep time40 min
  • Cooking timeCooking time25 min
  • ServingsPortions4


  • 1 cup raw walnuts, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes and drained
  • 12 ounces baby bella mushrooms, washed and trimmed
  • 1/4 cup Country Crock Plant Butter Tub with Olive Oil, divided olive oil spread
  • 1/3 cup diced yellow onion
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 8 8'' flour tortillas
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 1 cup shredded cabbage or lettuce
  • 1/2 cup drained pickled red onions, recipe below
  • Lime Crema, recipe below OR 4 lime wedges
Pickled Red Onions
  • 1 cup thinly sliced red onion
  • 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
Lime Crema

Nutritional Guidelines (per serving)

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. In a food processor, pulse the drained walnuts and mushrooms until they break down into a crumble-like mixture.
  3. Melt the Country Crock® Plant Butter in a large skillet set over medium heat. Add the mushroom and walnut mixture to the skillet, along with the onions and garlic. Season everything with cumin, chili powder, oregano, and salt. Stir well to distribute the herbs and spices evenly throughout. Cook the filling for 5-8 minutes, or until the mushrooms begin to brown.
  4. When the mushrooms are browned and the skillet is nearly dry, add the tomato paste, soy sauce, and liquid smoke to the skillet. Cook for another minute or so. If the mixture is too dry and sticking to the bottom of the skillet, add a tablespoon of water. Remove the skillet from heat and stir in the chopped cilantro.
  5. To assemble the taquitos, scoop about 1/4 cup of mushroom filling onto each tortilla. Arrange the filling in neat lines towards the bottom of the tortillas. Roll each tortilla tightly from the bottom to the top.
  6. Transfer the assemble taquitos to a large baking sheet. Generously brush each taquito with softened Country Crock® Plant Butter. Bake for 10 minutes, then flip and bake for another 5-7 minutes. The taquitos should be golden brown and crispy on the outside.
  7. Serve warm topped with avocado slices, shredded lettuce, pickled red onion, and lime crema.
Pickled Red Onions
  1. Arrange sliced red onions in a mason jar.
  2. In a microwave safe bowl, combine the apple cider vinegar, water, sugar and salt. Microwave, covered, until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the hot liquid over the sliced red onions. Let the pickled onions cool in the pickling liquid. Homemade pickled red onions will keep for 2-3 weeks when stored, covered, in the fridge.
Lime Crema
  1. Blend all of the ingredients together in a blender. Chill before serving. Lime crema will keep for 3 days in the refrigerator.

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