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recipe image Vegan Flan with Caramel Sauce

Vegan Flan with Caramel Sauce

Vegan Flan with Caramel Sauce

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  • Preparation timePrep time40 min
  • Ready inReady in9 hr 45 min
  • ServingsPortionsPortions 8
  • DifficultyDifficultyMedium


  • 2 cups Country Crock® Plant Cream
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, divided
  • 3 tablespoons powdered agar-agar
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 1 vanilla pod, cut in half
  • 2 (14 ounce) cans full-fat canned coconut milk, chilled (cream only)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 whole cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 whole star anise
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Nutritional Guidelines (per serving)

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)


  1. Place 8 mini mason jars or ramekins on a tray and set aside.
  2. Add the sugar to a medium saucepan on low heat. Allow the sugar to dissolve slowly. Turn the heat up to medium-high and do not stir or or touch it from this point on. After about 7-10 minutes it will start to turn a light caramel color in places. Very gently swirl the pan so that it caramelizes evenly. Once all sugar has melted and it has a deep amber color, add the Country Crock® Plant Cream and gently stir to combine with a spatula and remove it from the heat.
  3. Distribute the caramel between your jars, working quickly as it will set very fast. Allow the caramel to come to room temperature and harden slightly.
  4. Pour ⅔ cup almond milk into a small bowl. Sprinkle agar agar over the almond milk and whisk to combine.
  5. Add the remaining almond milk, Plant Cream, sugar, and cornstarch to a saucepan and place it on a low heat. Whisk continuously for a couple of minutes until the sugar has dissolved and there aren’t any lumps.
  6. Slice the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds. Add the seeds and pod along with the coconut milk (cream only), vanilla extract, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, cinnamon sticks and salt to the saucepan. Add the almond milk and agar agar mixture. Bring the mixture to a simmer, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. Pass the mixture through a sieve to remove any large particles from the vanilla pod and other spices.
  8. Divide the custard between the jars and smooth out the tops. Cover them with the lids or clingfilm if using ramekins before placing them in the fridge. Refrigerate for 8-12 hours. Do your best not to disturb them while they set.
  9. Fill a medium size saucepan with enough water for the jars to sit halfway submerged in the warm water. This step will help loosen the flans and allow an easy release.
  10. Just before serving, very carefully run a sharp knife along the inner edge of the top of the jars to loosen the flan. Be careful not to go too deep as this can ruin the smooth appearance of the flan.
  11. Place a serving plate on top of one of the ramekins and quickly turn them over. Very slowly start to lift the jar, you may need to give the jar a quick jiggle. The flan should easily release and be covered in caramel sauce. Serve immediately.

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